Donate Funds
Turtle Island Preserve is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit. Most donations are tax deductible! If you are making a donation for a specific project or need, you may state so during the donation process. Otherwise, your monetary donation will go toward the most currently pressing needs of the preserve. Thank you for your contribution! Just click the Donate button below or above .
Donate Items
Often, supporters donate an item of value to be auctioned or raffled during camp fundraisers. Preston Roberts started the tradition of auctioning off his personal knife at the end of each season of Mountain Men. If you would like more info on how to make a donation to be auctioned or raffled to raise funds, let us know. There’s also an extensive wish list below.
Sponsor a Camper
Becoming a camper sponsor is one of the most helpful ways you can support our work. These funds can be issued to a camper of your choice or one that we select based on need. You can even do a small monthly donation. You can easily use our secure "Donate" button, or send any amount in check or money order through snail mail, or simply call for more details.
The Turtle Island Donation Wish List
We love old adages around here. Maybe you've heard: "One man's trash is another man's treasure" or "One man gathers what another man spills." Our personal favorite is: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" No matter how you put it, we can put a lot of "stuff" to good use, that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Many people have a lot of valuable "treasure" sitting around in garages, basements, or closets that are just waiting to be upcycled, and repurposed. Our wish-list below isn't about purchasing new items from a store, as much as it is about repurposing, or saving useful items from landfills.
Current top items are in no particular order:
Snap-Traps to dispatch mice
Cider Press
Gas Powered Leaf-Blower
Canvas Tarps
Old Cook Stoves
Food Storage Containers (bigger is better)
Used - worn out horse shoes
First aid supplies of all kinds
Small generators to run a variety of small power tools
Lamp-globes for kerosene lamps - any and all
Surveyor's transit
Old telephones - not cordless -or ones that rely on electricity
Long Distance Walkie Talkies
Ham Radio
Camera - High Quality professional camera
Load of gravel ( or $250 donation)
Diatomaceous Earth - 10 - 50 lb bags of powder
American Chestnut Trees
Safety Glasses & Safety Glasses with Bifocals for the old geezers
Salt (for people and/or animals)
Hay for Horses
Dog, Cat, and Goat Food
"Pet Meds" - De-wormer, flea and tick meds, etc...
Mountain Bikes
Large Deep Cycle 6V Batteries
Golf Cart
old dog leashes and collars
kitchen towels
Items to assist with ongoing Micro-Hydro Electric and renewable energy projects:
Screen - Chicken wire and fine mesh (1/16" or less)
Hot water tanks
Cinder blocks
6" pipe for inlet to silt trap
Pressure gauges
Wire connectors
Junction Boxes
Make a sign demonstrating power produced CO2 displaced
Locust post for stakes to support pipe on hillside
Other items that would still be greatly appreciated and greatly used:
Tools: i.e. hammers, saws, axes, loppers, pry bars, pliers, auto mechanic tools (even tools with broken parts that we can fix!)
Boxes of nails, screws, washers, nuts, bolts, ropes, string, paints, thinners, varnish, oils, etc.
Containers: canning jars, barrels, large cast iron or stainless steel cookware, etc.
Other: Lanterns, large chalkboards, whisk brooms, and wool blankets
We hope that you get the picture: We can use most anything for the farm and our educational programs. We mean use! Our tools get worked every day. Thanks for considering giving to our efforts. We value your support!