Educational Programs
Our School Trips are an experience like no other!
Now booking for 2025
“It is folly to attempt to educate children within a city; the first step is to remove them out of it.”
School Camps
A school trip is a one-of-a-kind outdoor living experience; confronting and realizing the essentials of life. Your students will have the opportunity to see the world through new perspectives created through immersion in our pristine wilderness environment. They are guided by our sensitive educators toward understanding the beautiful intricacies of life.
Turtle Island's school camp is full of fun and adventure based on first-hand experiences with nature. Our students step into another realm of consciousness as they experiment with nature through daily activities. While living outdoors and making nature crafts, students not only create meaningful art, but also develop self confidence and group cohesiveness. Both day-long field trips and overnight camp-outs are available.
Our educational program is based on students' interaction with and development of outdoor living skills. These skills are taught by extraordinary naturalists who have integrated the outdoor living theme into their own personal lives as well. The WOODS WISDOM gained from such activities as making and tending a fire, pitching a tipi, creating a shelter, making a bed, and gathering water gives campers a fundamental education for living in the outdoors with comfort and ease. As skills develop so does confidence. Please contact us for additional information.
Available for ALL AGES - interpretive experiences for day-long or overnight programs. Experiencing the realness of a non-electrical, horse drawn farm built of logs in the middle of a remote wildlife preserve sets one's imagination on fire. Leave the technology with the rest of the modern world and participate in historic crafts, feelings, sounds, stories, and economy. Smell burning coal and hot metal on your blacksmith's anvil. Taste bread from the stone oven baked with wood you fired yourself. Spin rope from local tree bark. Gather fresh food from the gardens and forest. Enjoy the retreat of a wagon ride through a secluded wonderland of the Southern Appalachian mountains. Collect from the land not only new understandings, but a realization of where everything comes from! We nurture respect and appreciation for our world through the teachings of our elders and tradition. We purposefully maintain primitive surroundings instead of "overdeveloping" our site.
Examples Of Overnight Sleeping Structures
Testimonials From Educators
Two years ago we discovered Turtle Island and for the second year straight our eighth graders have had life-changing experiences. When preparing a group of thirty middle school students for a nine day trip to a mountain hollow that is devoid of modern plug-in conveniences and distractions, we encounter a fair amount of anxiety. For many of our students it is their first time away from home for more than a weekend, and for just about all of us its our first time adopting an eighteenth century lifestyle for an extended period of time. Two hours after the bus was parked, by the light of the opening campfire, I realized that the anxiety was gone. The multi-talented Turtle Island staff is that good at making kids feel cared for. The feeling lasted the entire trip because it is a genuine one. These folks are passionate about what they do and teach. And boy do they teach! Experiential education works incredibly well when kids feel safe and secure even while pushing their personal comfort zones and trying things that are new to them. I can’t say enough about what a powerful and positive experience Turtle Island has been for my students.
Ben Van Rooy
Discovery Program Teacher
Orange County Virginia Public Schools
A Special Note to Educators from Dave Gould
To anyone considering adding an outdoor education/experiential education program to your existing curriculum: For the past decade, Durham Academy has run a highly successful and popular outdoor education program for our upper school. Each class, from grades 9-12, begins the school year with the outdoor education program designed for their year level. In grades 9-11, our students spend three days with on site outfitters in the Carolina mountains; they then begin their senior year with a six-day 'Senior Challenge' backpacking expedition in the shadows of Mt. Mitchell.
We purposely chose to begin our outdoor ed program at the ninth grade level with Turtle Island. The reasons? The integrity and vision of its founder, Eustace Conway, have created a 19th century mountain 'homestead' where our kids could become totally involved in their ancestor's way of life, learn the importance of simple lifestyles and our surrounding environment, and create insight into their own character. Simply put, at Turtle Island, our kids learn the value of moving out of their comfort zone and taking risks; that risk-taking, in turn, can go a long way in helping create a real sense of community.
Over the years, the Turtle Island program has become legendary amongst our students. Before they go, they think they cannot deal with an outdoor bathroom, eat primarily organic food cooked over woodstoves, sleep in a tipi, swim in a cold mountain stream, or successfully complete a night hike without a flashlight. They wonder if they can learn to make a fire without matches, cook bread in a makeshift outdoor oven, carve their own eating utensils, track a deer, and make stone age jewelry from rocks they find in a stream. They resist not wearing a watch, taking a shower every morning, rising in near darkness to meditate as the sun comes over the hills surrounding Turtle Island.
Of course they then do all of these things. More surprisingly, they find they LIKE doing them. Part of their reaction is due to the caring and compassionate nature of the staff that Eustace brings together. Part of it is due to the sheer simplicity and honesty of the Turtle Island environment. Most of it is probably due to their increasing willingness during their time at Turtle Island to take greater risks because they and their peers, perhaps for the first time, are all on a level playing field where everyone is learning by doing.
There is little question that our kids feel terrifically empowered by their experience at Turtle Island. There is a palpable sense of accomplishment in their conversations on our bus trip home and the resulting carryover when school begins the following Monday is a delight to watch. We get a terrific amount of 'campus mileage' from the Turtle Island experience. Bringing back the 'spirit of the mountain' smooths our efforts to create class unity - the common experience of such a wonderful and unique place makes a real difference in campus spirit and class camaraderie.
I believe there are not many places like Turtle Island. The power of it's place, the heightened awareness of simple values, and the resulting appreciation for all the human spirit can do are keenly felt by all of us at DA. It is simply a terrific experience. Go!!
Dave Gould - Director of Special Programs
Durham Academy - Durham, N.C.

Contact us about a visit
Attention All Camp Visitors - Please Note:
WARNING: Under North Carolina Law, There Is No Liability For An Injury To Or Death Of A Participant In An Agritourism Activity Conducted At This Agritourism Location If Such Injury Or Death Results From The Inherent Risks Of The Agritourism Activity. Inherent Risks Of Agritourism Activities Include, Among Others, Risks Of Injury Inherent To Land, Equipment, And Animals, As Well As The Potential For You To Act In A Negligent Manner That May Contribute To Your Injury Or Death. You Are Assuming The Risk Of Participating In This Agritourism Activity.
WARNING: Under North Carolina Law, A Farm Animal Activity Sponsor Or Farm Animal Professional Is Not Liable For An Injury To Or The Death Of A Participant In Farm Animal Activities Resulting Exclusively From The Inherent Risks Of Farm Animal Activities. Chapter 99E Of The North Carolina General Statutes.