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Young Boys Camp (ages 8-10) - June 21- 27, 2020


Turtle Island Preserve's Boys Camp was built on the foundation and principles of Camp Sequoyah, founded in 1924 by Eustace Conway’s grandfather  - with the avowed purpose of building manhood and character in the lives of boys. Here, campers are taught to appreciate the finer things in life: the beauties and wonders of nature, the value of health and strength, the fellowship of true friends, the essential worth of high ideals and sound character. Turtle Island is a camp in which boys learn to see with their eyes, feel with their hearts, do with their hands, and live together in a spirit of brotherhood. It seeks to send every boy back home stronger in body, keener in mind, more appreciative of the beautiful, and nobler in character.

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It is obvious that the full accomplishment of such a task is beyond the reach of any summer camp. But since these are also the aims of every true home and school, it is hoped that parent and teacher may find their tasks easier instead of harder, following their boy’s vacation at Turtle Island. Thus, many parents, teachers and camp directors work hand-in-hand each supplementing the others effort to produce true and finer men out of our boys of today.

2020 Summer Boys Camp Schedule: 

 Young Boys Camp (ages 8-10) June 21- 27, 2020

Older Boys Camp (ages 11-17) June 28 - July 11, 2020 

The Lure of Camp Life 

 After a long winter indoors, in school, the real boy with red blood in his veins longs to camp out. He is irresistibly drawn by the spell of the woods and streams and the wild and beautiful things of nature. He likes to get away from the noise, heat, and turmoil of the city into the free, simple life of the out-of-doors where he can leave off his collar and shirt, get a coat of tan, a ravenous appetite, sleep soundly, and feel his muscles grow harder and stronger every day of the week. Such a boy likes to sit around the campfire, “The flower that blossoms by night” which reminds him of the days of long ago when our ancestors gathered fireside to dance and sing and tell stories of daring exploits and adventures.

Then a live, wide awake boy wants to be learning how to do things, and just think of the many things a boy learns to do in camp: woodcraft, blacksmithing, nature study, archery, horsemanship, target practice, ceremonies, music and all sorts of the games and stunts of camp life. No boy can take part in a good camp program without becoming stronger, wiser and better.

Boys age 7-10 spend seven life-changing days at camp. They will be given an introduction to the safety, care and use of basic tools, fire and camping skills. They will cook over fire, play in the clear streams and through the vehicle of outdoor skills, be transported into deeper character building. Two weeks of skills, challenges, ceremony and life-affirming brotherhood is offered for boys age 11-17.

This summer, several hundred thousand American boys will bid farewell to the school room, and hide away to some camp in the great and glorious out-of-doors. Many of these boys will find their way to Turtle Island, a camp of great purpose, where a warm-hearted welcome awaits each boy.

All visitors are required to completely fill out, date and sign this medical/liability waiver in pen, in hard copy, prior to arrival by postal mail.

Click Here for The Camp Application Packet

Click Here for Information on Financial Assistance

Click Here for Important Camp Info

Click Here for What To Bring To Camp

Click Here for Driving Dirctions

Click Here for A Typical Day At Camp

Click Here for Making Flight Arrangements

Annual Overview:

Summers are devoted to youth camps, fall and spring are when we host weekend workshops, school, scout and church groups. During winter we batton down the hatches for a closed campus and filming of Mountain Men.

WARNING: Under North Carolina Law, There Is No Liability For An Injury To Or Death Of A Participant In An Agritourism Activity Conducted At This Agritourism Location If Such Injury Or Death Results From The Inherent Risks Of The Agritourism Activity. Inherent Risks Of Agritourism Activities Include, Among Others, Risks Of Injury Inherent To Land, Equipment, And Animals, As Well As The Potential For You To Act In A Negligent Manner That May Contribute To Your Injury Or Death. You Are Assuming The Risk Of Participating In This Agritourism Activity.

WARNING: Under North Carolina Law, A Farm Animal Activity Sponsor Or Farm Animal Professional Is Not Liable For An Injury To Or The Death Of A Participant In Farm Animal Activities Resulting Exclusively From The Inherent Risks Of Farm Animal Activities. Chapter 99E Of The North Carolina General Statutes.

Important Liability Waiver - Read before entering property: Please be aware that Turtle Island Preserve is NOT LIABLE for your safety, health or any impairment of it. Enter at your own risk. Your presence represents your acknowledgement that you accept full liability for any damage to your person or property. This applies to everyone on the property or associated with Turtle Island Preserve programs.

June 19

Father – Son Camp (all ages) – June 19 – 21, 2020

June 28

Older Boys Camp (ages 11-17) - June 28 - July 11, 2020