Blacksmithing Workshop

from $400.00

Old time traditional techniques and lore will be explored, exemplified, demonstrated, and celebrated during this weekend workshop. You will get lots of hands-on experience. Our professional blacksmiths and teachers will attentively guide you on this weekend journey back into our American roots.

Try your hand at making hooks, fire tools, and kitchen utensils. More importantly learn foundational techniques that can enlighten an aspect of our history or guide you into becoming more deeply involved in this empowering trade.

This event is open to a small group of 12 adults only. (Special exceptions can sometimes be made for mature minors who are accompanied by a chaperoning parent.)

*All tools and materials provided*

This workshop is geared towards beginners, but is open to anyone.

*This class is a pre-requisite for folks planning to take knife-making.

Learn about the workshop instructor Josh here:

Cost: $400 per single person; $780 per couple (Couple’s Discount applied)
(hot meals & rustic lodging included)

Cancellations: non-refundable deposit (1/2 of total) is retained for all cancellations

Don’t forget to complete your Registration Form after your purchase and send to

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